Sunday, October 21, 2012

How To Make Your Luxury Machu Picchu Vacation Unique

Delfin II Amazon River Boat in Peru
Delfin II - Amazon River Boat
Customizing a Luxury Machu Picchu Vacation to meet your exact need is actually not too difficult. Many visitors to Peru are happy to take standard itineraries that everyone else does. But why be the same? Why not make your trip something unique and different from the well trodden path. Let us introduce you to personal touches and ideas that will make your trip stand apart from the rest.

Peru is a vast country and there are many things to do and see. Of course your principle reason for travelling to Peru is probably to see the New World Wonder Machu Picchu. But what else is there to do that is fun, interesting, unique and memorable?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Luxury Peru Vacations - 3 Expensive Souvenir Ideas

Maximo Laura Tapestry
Maximo Laura Tapestry
Want some great ideas for quality gifts or souvenirs to take home with you from your Peru vacation? Among the many tourist shops selling everything from t-shirts to finger puppets there is a selection of high quality outlets that specialize in only quality products that represent the authentic quality of true craftsmanship in Peru.